Welcome to the Hive
Welcome to Epicurean Acres, where our passion for honey and beekeeping brings a truly extraordinary experience to your table. What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to quality, sustainability, and the artistry of nature. Nestled in the bountiful fields of Epicurean Acres in central Texas, our bees roam freely, foraging on the nectar of vibrant flowers, resulting in a diverse range of exquisite honey flavors that captivate the palate. We embrace the ancient craft of beekeeping, harmoniously working with these remarkable creatures to produce the purest, most delectable honey imaginable. With every jar, we aim to offer you a taste of the extraordinary, inviting you to indulge in the sweet treasures of our labor and savor the remarkable story of Epicurean Acres.
Starting Point
This is all new. We will be building from the ground up. I do mean that literally. The foundations and hive boxes will need to be built, sealed, and placed before introducing the swarm to their new homes.
Our Team
Epicurean Acres is a veteran owned business. The entire support team consists of one grumpy semi-retired old Soldier, his patient wife, four lazy cats, and thousands of hard working bees.
The Goal
We want to bee some of the hardest workers in the farming business, and help ensure pollination across a wide area of central Texas. Along the way we plan to reap the tasty benefits of the bee’s hard labor, and deliver delicious Texas honey.
Talk to us
Have any questions? So do we. As we lean and grow so will our website. Eventually we will include an option to contact us, provide feedback, and engage in conversations about the bees and honey. Until then please bear with us while we figure things out.